PACMan Web Application

Proposal Auto-Categorizer and Manager (PACMan) is a set of tools for peer review. PACMan supports science category sorting, panellist selection and proposal-to-panellist assignments. PACMan is a command line tool that classifies proposals and reviewers into topical categories that aid in the assembly of panels, determines and flags close collaborators from publication histories, and matches proposals to the most knowledgeable reviewers based on those same publication histories.

PACManWeb allows users to run PACMan on their browsers and offers functionalities like proposal categorization, proposal to reviewer matching and finding duplications. The application also supports downloading outputs and access to live PACMan logs. The client side of the application has been developed utilising React JS. The backend is a Flask app running PACMan and relaying the output it produces to the client via a REST API. This choice is informed by the consideration that PACMan will handle over a thousand proposals in one execution.

Proposal Categorisor Demo